中東口袋麵包[食譜] ~ Pita Bread [Recipe]


高筋麵粉 High-gluten flour  65g

全麥粉 Whole wheat flour 30g

快速酵母 Quick rising yeast 1 g

糖    Sugar 2 g

鹽     Salt   1 g

溫水 Warm water   65ml

無鹽牛油 Unsalted butter 6g


1. 將所有材料(除牛油)拌勻,搓至光滑
Mix all ingredients (except butter), knead until smooth

2. 加入牛油搓至出薄膜成軟身光滑
Add butter to dough, knead until elastic

3. 待1小時 - 第1次發酵
Let dough sit for 1 hour.

4. 壓出空氣分6份, 等10 mins
Once doubled, roll out in a rope, and pinch off 6 pieces

5. 取一分用手壓扁, 再用棍搓成薄圓塊
Roll out each ball of dough with a rolling pin into circles

6. 待1小時 - 第2次發酵
Let each circle  sit for another 1 hour.

7. 放入預熱焗爐, 用200度焗8-10 分鐘便可
Preheat oven to 200 deg C, bake each circle for 8 to 10 minutes

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